August | Boomer & Zephyr | Charlie | Kyla | Lola | Zena | FAQ


My name is Paul Rosati, my dog August is 11 years old.  This is how? And Why? We got to know Trudy Cochrane of Luv My K9’s Inc. Canine Aquatic Facility.  August’s first appointment was on September 1, 2004.  For nine months to a year before on several occasions August took anti-inflammatories (pill & liquid) for a limp in his rear right legs.  They helped only for a short time.  August slowly cam e more listless, not wanting to run around or chase sticks at the park, difficulty, entering and exiting the car, after dinner just laying on his bedding showing no enthusiasm for attention or conning me for treats.  My vet felt he was re-injuring soft tissue.  After nine months we discussed x-rays mostly to put my mind at rest.  To my dismay and the vet’s surprise August has hip dysplasia in both hips advance stage four and five.  The vet’s surprise was that August showed no hip discomfort up to this time.  At this time I thought the worst.  How long will I have my buddy August?

Our vet suggested a new place offering aqua therapy in Norval, Ontario.  I thought as you can image for the split second, then phoned and arranged to meet with Trudy of Luv My K9’s Inc. then made the first appointment.  August with a nature of mistrusting most people show no hesitation with Trudy’s approach and handling.  He just seems to know a person that truly likes and is good to dogs.  I could not believe August’s response to the first treatment.  Wanting to go for a short walk, a little run, chase a stick, less difficulty getting in the car, and looking for attention and conning treats after dinner!  It was so good for both of us!!  I feel swimming once a week has toned August to give him right now the best quality of life possible with this handicap.

In November 2005 I changed August’s diet to raw food which has slimmed him more and given him more vitality.

Thank you so much,

Paul & August





Luv My K9's loves dogs! 

Trudy's professionalism along with her open friendly attitude makes you & your dogs feel comfortable from the moment you meet her.  A tailor made program to address your dog's individual needs gives you confidence that you will see tangible results.  My older dog has shown major improvements in mobility & flexibility and there is a noticeable difference in my young dog's stamina in performance sports.  

I strongly recommend this facility, whether it be for rehabilitation or just to keep your canine companion in tip, top shape. You never know, Luv My K9's may just give you that added competitive edge!!


Karen Stewart

Mississauga, Ontario





Charlie was born with severe double hip dysplacia. At 6 months of age she underwent her first surgery on her right leg. The procedure is called Triple Pelvic Osteotomy TPO, where they break her pelvis in 3 places and turn her pelvis so that they can pull the ball joint into the socket. The surgery went well and she only required the help of a sling for a few days. After 10 days the stitches came out and she could start hydrotherapy. Charlie swam twice per week for only 4 weeks and her muscle had built up so well that she was now favoring her left leg. She had the surgery done on her left leg the following week. Unfortunately this surgery did not go as well because the dysplacia was so severe. She required a sling to walk for nearly 2 weeks. Her activity level was nil. After 4 weeks she could go back in the pool. Only time would tell if her leg was going to hold. Again she swam twice per week and met with the surgeon every week to see if her leg was holding. Each week you could see her using her legs more and more and the muscle was building. After 3 months Charlie got the OK to run and play ball and play with other dogs. It has been 8 months since her surgery and she is now a 15 month old very active retriever. She has excellent muscle tone and her endurance level surpasses most dogs. Thank you Luv My K9’s Inc., Canine Aquatic Facility.


Karen Martinelli

Brampton, Ontario





Well, I need Kyla my older Westie (11 years old) to improve her rear end strength for the Masters level of agility. So I took her once per week and she was so bad swimming with her rear legs. It really showed that she had not idea what to do with those legs! After a few weeks she improved had a nice rhythm to her strokes and was more co-ordinated in the rear. Kyla did achieve her VMADC title the 3rd Westie ever to do so! I wondered if my younger dog had the some problem, no rear end co-ordination, so we swam her too. Briagha was great, used her front legs more than her rear. We were swimming her just to improve her strength too. I injured myself and was not able to walk the dogs. Swimming them at Luv My K9s really made the difference in keeping them fit. Even swimming my hand striped terriers twice per week, their coats stayed hard. They did not loose much of their undercoat either. So id you are worried about swimming your show terrier, the salt water has not effected their coat. So there was down time for them when I was better and started competing in agility again. The swimming is great overall exercise for them. Trudy is wonderful with the dogs. They enjoy going there even though they don't like the swimming!


 Jane McLaughlin,

Terra Cotta, CANADA




Hello to some of the most generous and wonderful women we know!

Lola is our little angel and the care you provide to her is greatly appreciated, there's no words that can explain how generous and kind you have been to Lola over the past few months, it is amazing!

In March 2010 Lola, our wonderful Olde English Bulldogge had just turned 2, suffered from a sudden FCEM (Fibrocartilaginous Embolic Myelopathy ) and has been paralyzed in one of her hind legs since. The prognosis wasn't good and we truly thought we would have to put our little angel to sleep. After meeting with Trudy and  Cheri  of Luv My K9's we finally had some hope that our Lola would recover, if not fully, at least to enjoy her full life. After months of bringing Lola to Luv My K9's regularly she has made a vast improvement and we are so grateful for the love and care she receives at your facility. Also, thank you so much for connecting us with Pat - she is outstanding and without her and your efforts - who knows how Lola would be today. We continue to look forward to her improvement and cannot express in words how grateful we are for everything you all continue to do for her. When Lola knows she is coming to see you guys she gets so excited and its amazing to see. Since March, Lola has regained some use of her hind leg and I believe it is from all the love and therapy you provide for her. There was a point when Lola was at her lowest emotional state and wouldn't even give kisses to us - since she has been coming to Luv My K9's she has been giving more kisses than we could imagine and it shows how her spirit has come right back up!


Kevin, Christa, Aiden & Lola

Milton, ON





Zena is a 85lb, 7 yr old Rottweiler who started swimming at Luv My K9’s over a year ago and it has been the best thing for her. Not only is Trudy super good with the dogs the benefits from the swimming are wonderful. The range of motion in Zena’s shoulders has improved by 100% and her muscle conditioning has increased so her chiropractic adjustments are holding much longer. Swimming has lengthened Zena’s agility career because her muscles and joints are in better shape and her endurance is a lot better. I would recommend anyone with a performance dog to go swimming at Luv My K9’s. The controlled swimming keeps those performance dog in top shape so the risk of injury while performing is greatly reduced.


Kim Oatway

Ontario, CANADA



What are the benefits of hydrotherapy?

Swimming in warm water allows the body to achieve increased mobility in stiff or sore joints, and helps to build muscle mass around the affected area. Swimming sessions also provide mental stimulation and help prevent depression in a dog that has restricted movement.

Hydrotherapy is proven to be beneficial for numerous conditions, including:        

  • Arthritis & hip dysplasia

  • Spinal injuries

  • OCD (obsessive compulsive disorders)

  • Sprains & breaks

  • Cruciate ligament problems

  • Total hip replacement

  • Shoulder and elbow injuries

  • Orthopedic conditions

  • Pre & post operative muscle regeneration & maintenance

  • Relief of pain, swelling or stiffness

  • Relaxation

  • Obesity

  • General fitness

  • Ligament and tendon injuries

  • Osteoarthritis

  • Degenerative Myelopathy

  • Neurological stroke

  • Off-season agility conditioning

  • Specific fitness training for high performance dogs – agility, racing, trailing or working

  • Cardiovascular fitness

It also provides exercise and assistance anytime weight-bearing exercise would be too strenuous.

The buoyancy of the water reduces strain on your dog’s joints, for pain free exercise while building muscle mass.

It’s important to note that a referral from your veterinarian is required prior to starting a canine rehabilitation for post operative dogs or dogs that are severely injured or diseased or dogs with poor physical health.

What results should I expect?

Hydrotherapy improves fitness – in most cases, it reduces lameness and improves the general well-being of the dog.  You should expect a healthier, livelier, a more supple and content dog.

Don’t be put off by the short time the dog spends in the water – it is estimated that each minute spent swimming is equivalent to 1 mile on land!

My dog swims in the river (or lake) – isn’t this just as good?

A river (or lake) may seem the obvious place for your dog to swim, but it isn’t necessarily the best environment and there can be hidden dangers.  It is not possible to monitor the amount of exercise they do, there may be strong currents, slippery banks and, of course, pollution and rubbish to contend with.  A dog can be a very good swimmer but, if caught in a cold current, it is not as buoyant as you might hope.  If your dog gets into difficulties, it may not be possible for you to reach him or her quickly.  The cold water is not conducive to the increased circulation that warm water stimulates, and the benefit is a fraction of what it would be in warm water.

Can I swim with my dog?

Owners are encouraged to accompany their dog to the sessions.  The dogs respond positively to the presence of their owners and benefit from their support.  While it is not required for the owner’s presence in the pool itself by Luv My K9’s Inc., those owners who want to don a swimsuit and come into the pool during their pet’s session are welcome to do so.

Will you need my help during my dog’s session?

Most dogs prefer to be close to or able to see their owners during a session.  When the dogs are receiving the swimming portion of their hydrotherapy, it has been Luv My K9’s Inc. experience that the swimming dogs prefer to follow their owners as the owner walks the length of the pool.  If you are unable to walk because of a physical restriction, Luv My K9’s Inc. staff can work around this, but it is so much better for your dog if you or someone else the dog knows and trusts are present.

What is an exercise area?

An area where your dog(s) relieves itself.  Poop and scoop bags always available.

What do I need to bring with me to an appointment?

Your leashed dog (while outside the pool).